You may return an item for a refund within 28 days of receiving your order (unless it was agreed prior to ordering that the item would be non-returnable, or that special returns conditions would apply).
Goods must be in their original packaging, undamaged, unaltered, and in an unused condition.
You must include your name and order number within the returns parcel, or we may not be able to process it.
10% Restocking fee applies to all returned and cancelled orders.
Returns from multiple orders must be packaged separately and clearly marked with each individual order number.
The goods are your responsibility until they reach our warehouse, so make sure your returned items are packed well and can’t get damaged on the way. We recommend you send returned items via a tracked service and obtain proof of postage from the carrier.
Please contact us prior to returning any items.
Returns will be processed within 14 days of us receiving them.
Refunds will be issued to your original payment method.
Items will be refunded at the price you paid and in the currency you paid for them (with any applicable discounts deducted).
We reserve the right to refuse to refund any items which are returned to us in an unacceptable condition, or outside of the 28-day return period. You will be notified by email if this applies to any goods you have returned to us, and if you would like these items sent back to you then we may request that you cover the delivery cost.
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